News Releases

St. Bonaventure University

Four exhibitions opening this fall at the Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts

Aug 25, 2022


The Reginal A. Quick Center for the Arts at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学今年秋天将举办四个新的展览. 

由摄影师乔恩·克里斯平(Jon Crispin)组织的“威拉德手提箱”展览将于9月11日举行. 1 through Nov. 20 at the Quick Center for the Arts.

Willard Suitcase photograph, copyright Jon Crispin 20221995年,纽约州芬格湖地区的威拉德精神病院关闭后,展览开始了. At that time, 负责清理大楼的员工在一栋废弃大楼的阁楼上发现了数百个手提箱. Many of them appeared untouched since their owners, patients at Willard, brought them to the institution several decades earlier.

展览包括30幅相框照片和文字面板. Karen L. Miller, M.D., a psychiatrist, 在纽约州档案馆进行了与这个项目有关的研究,并为10个手提箱幸存下来的病人写了文字面板. 她对医疗档案的临床检查为患者的初步诊断和治疗提供了一些线索,并提供了可能的21世纪诊断和治疗.

In conjunction with the exhibition, 快速中心将举办一个小组讨论,讨论从机构(如威拉德)到更以人为本的精神卫生服务的发展, community-based services.

这个名为“打开威拉德的手提箱:从机构到社区”的项目将于下午4点举行.m. Thursday, Oct. 13, in the Quick Center’s Rigas Family Theater. It is free and open to the public. A reception will follow.

克里斯平将由劳伦斯·古特马赫(Laurence Guttmacher), M.D., professor emeritus of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center; Mary O’Leary, director of Cattaraugus County Community Services, which delivers mental health, alcohol and substance abuse, and developmental disability services; and Ashley Luedke, Ph.D.她是SBU咨询教育项目的副教授和主席. In addition to the photographs in “The Willard Suitcases,克里斯平记录了19世纪纽约州的一些设施,这些设施曾被称为“精神病院”.” 

“在我们努力在这个挥之不去的大流行世界中恢复正常的过程中,心理健康是我们社区许多人关注的一个话题,” said Evelyn Penman, assistant director and senior curator at the arts center. “尽管大流行期间对精神卫生服务需求增加的宣传很多, 我们发现,要继续打破早在COVID大流行之前就存在的社会障碍,需要进一步的理解.”

By presenting the photography exhibition, “我们将有一个起点,以产生进一步的对话,引起反思和批判性思考,并促进对精神健康诊断患者的理解和接受。,” she said.

这次展览和小组讨论是由4360美元的人文纽约愿景基金(Humanities New York Vision Grant)资助的. 这些赠款由联邦政府通过国家人文基金会提供资金,并为实施鼓励公众反思其价值观的人文项目提供资金, explore new ideas, and engage with others in their community.

A second exhibition《意象与圣像:Herrlein系列的方济各圣徒与圣像. Robert Lentz, OFM,展出了由约翰·安德烈亚斯·赫莱因(德语)创作的13位方济各会圣徒的画作, 1723-1796). 它是从圣名省的方济会修士那里借来的. The exhibition runs Sept. 1 through Nov. 20.

这些有250年历史的画作与Br. Robert Lentz, O.F.M. Br. Robert is creating modern day icons while stationed at St. Bonaventure. Besides painting many hours each day, he teaches apprentices, writes, 并在美国各地举办艺术和灵性研讨会. Br. 罗伯特积极促进穆斯林和基督徒之间的对话,并致力于在教会所接受的各种文化中本土化拜占庭圣像.

伦茨的图标反映了他在这个国家和第三世界的穷人中的经历, as well as his Franciscan and Russian roots. 它们充满了明亮的色彩,经常描绘当代主题. 虽然总是努力保持真正的拜占庭肖像的本质, 为了更好地服务新兴教会,他调整了传统习俗. 他的图标仍然是古代基督教传统的卓越表现, 他们邀请我们与上帝和圣徒交流. 

Two gallery talks will accompany this exhibition. The first will be held at 4 p.m. Monday, Sept. 19. Hartwig Kuhl, a descendant of the painter Herrlein, 将讨论他的研究和最近出版的关于画家生活的书. On Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 1 p.m.这是该校庆祝弗朗西斯周的一部分. Robert will speak about his work of painting icons. Both talks, 将在奎克中心的肯尼画廊举行, are free and open to the public.

The third new and temporary exhibition is titled “Women Artists: Part One The Poetics of Reverie.” This exhibition is guest curated by St. Bonaventure alumnus Gary Keem, ’69. This exhibition, which hangs in the Front Gallery of the Quick Center, 展示过去30年来女性艺术家的非代表性艺术作品. 全国知名的艺术家,如帕特·斯蒂尔和凯西·穆勒曼,以及地区艺术家,如简·福利·费拉罗. 本次展览的第二部分将于2023年春季展出. “Women Artists” run from Sept. 1 through Dec. 15.

The Mezzanine Gallery contains the fourth exhibition at the Quick Center, 这是康宁公司的克里斯·沃尔特斯在纽约芬格湖地区拍摄的精选照片. 沃尔特斯的艺术家声明摘录鼓励观众“拥抱照片本身和观看它的行为中的美丽和神圣。.”

Working and exhibiting regionally since 2013, Walters' landscapes of the Finger Lakes, their waterfalls, 湖边的日落和小社区赢得了奖项,并发表在F-Stop杂志和手指湖杂志的生活中. An artist’s talk is planned for noon on Thursday, Sept. 29, in the Quick Center. All are welcome to attend. The photos are on display Sept. 1 through Nov. 13.




About the University: The nation’s first Franciscan university, St. 博纳文蒂尔大学是一个致力于在课堂内外改变学生生活的社区, 激励他们终身致力于服务和公民责任. St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学被评为美国北部地区大学价值第5名.S. News and World Report’s 2022 college rankings edition.