St. Bonaventure University

RN to B.S. in nursing Program

The RN to B.S. in Nursing program, completed in four semesters over two years, 注册护士获得学士学位的方法是否创新.

Nursing student
CCNE logoThe RN to B.S. in Nursing program at St. 博纳旺图尔大学获得美国大学护理教育委员会(

Officially recognized by the U.S. 作为国家教育部长认证机构, 大学护理教育委员会(CCNE)是一个独立的认证机构, contributing to the improvement of the public's health. CCNE确保护理学士、研究生和住院医师项目的质量和完整性.

Baccalaureate prepared and in demand

我们的项目采用混合方法来实现这一目标, 为学生提供面对面和在线/远程教育指导. 

对于注册护士来说,这是一个准备获得学士学位的机会, 这不仅是美国国家医学院的建议吗, but a requirement for new nurses in New York state.


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A Bona Nurse

A Bona nurse does nothing without love, proudly bleeds brown and white, and gladly extends a helping hand to a colleague. A Bona nurse is admired and trusted.

Enhance your skills as a provider, a leader

The RN to B.S. 在护理课程的目的是建立在你现在的基础上,作为一个熟练的注册护士,在协作和高质量的护理课程.


AACN logo该项目旨在提高你的领导能力, your professionalism, 并鼓励你更多地了解自己,这样你就可以成为一个情商更高的提供者.

The Department of Nursing at St. 博纳旺图尔大学是美国护理学院协会的成员, 制定护理教育的质量标准,促进对护理教育的支持, research and practice.

  • Opportunities await

    Ready for that next step in your nursing career? The RN to B.S. in Nursing program is a bridge to your future. 是时候打开可能性的大门了,是时候成为bsn的首选了.

    Why a B.S in Nursing?

    Program cost & admission requirements

    Tuition for full-time or part-time RN to B.S. 2023-2024学年护理专业学生的学费为730美元/学时, 其中包括综合费用(使用学生健康中心和其他大学服务和项目), and institutional aid discount. 

    Program requirements:
    • 持有未受阻碍的注册护士执照,并在您希望临床完成时间适用的州注册;
    • 在纽约州注册和认可的护理课程中获得护理副学士学位或文凭, 或由全国护理教育认证委员会(ACEN)或全国护理联盟护理教育认证委员会(nn - cnea)认可的机构;
    • that you practiced nursing within the past five years, 或者你在过去的五年内从护理专业毕业.

  • How to apply

    To apply to the RN to B.S. 在护理课程中,学生应将以下内容提交给St. Bonaventure:
    • an official transcript of all undergraduate coursework
    • a copy of your RN license
    • 带工作经验的最新简历(如适用)
    本课程的申请者将以转学生的身份申请. For more information, visit our Transfer Admissions website.

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